MYOB EXO – Emailing Invoices and Statements

Want a quick and cost effective way of sending copies of invoices and statements to your Customers? EXO has the facility to email these directly to your clients!

(N.B. This function may not have been enabled on your EXO System, however if you do wish to utilise this function we can activate the settings for you)

In the ‘Transactions’ tab of the Debtor Account, highlight the invoice you wish to email

Select the ‘Email Invoice’ option from the drop down menu

The Screen will populate with the default email address from your Debtor account, adding the selected invoice as an attachment and enabling to you to include a message with the email if desired.

The above steps may also used for the ‘Email Statement’

This feature is for emailing individual invoices and statements, if you are interested in sending bulk emails then please contact us for further information.

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